Sunday, May 22, 2016

Vibratory Quantum Theory Explained In 2000 Year Old Ancient Text

by Luke Miller Truth Theory

Quantum physics now states that matter is merely an illusion and that everything is energy at a different frequency in vibratory motion. This is something that science has only started to take seriously since the turn of the last century. However, this was something Hermes Trismegistus (the founder of the hermetic teachings) taught as one of the 7 principles of existence and recorded history of his teachings have dated back as far as the 1st century AD.
These teachings go further than modern science has the ability to quantify, but science is slowly catching up with many of the ideas shared. Here is a section on vibration which has been taken from the book The Kybalion. The Kybalion is an introduction into the teachings of occult hermeticism and was derived from the ancient teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Love Poem From God

And again we are back at the wonderful “Love Poem From God” (from Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West by Daniel Ladinsky), which explains in simple steps (steps that are reflected in the Native American Codes of Ethics) what we need to do in order to see our Golden World come true.

I have come into this world to see this,
The sword drop from men’s hand
Even at the height of the arc of their anger
Because we have finally realized there is only one flesh to wound,
Our eternal oneness

I have come into this world to see this,
All creatures holding hands
As we pass through this miraculous existence
Sharing on the way to even a greater being of soul,
A being of pure dancing light forever entwined and at play with existence

I have come into this world to hear this,every song the earth has sung, since it was conceived in the divine womb and began spinning from its own wish
every song by wing, by fin and by hoof, every song by hill, by field and by tree,
by man, by woman and by child, every song of an ocean, a river and a stream, every song of tool and lyre and flute, every song of gold of emerald and fire,
every song the heart should cry with magnificent dignity, to know itself as God

I have come into this world to see this,
men so true to love
they would rather die before speaking and unkind word
men so true to their lives of gods governance,
a promise of hope

I have come into this world to see this,
the sword drop from men’s hand
even at the height of the arc of their rage
because we have finally realized,
there is only one flesh to wound

Cosmic Alchemy – Uniting The Hermetic Laws & The Native American Ethic Code

by Edith Boyer-Telmer
Dear Friends, a little while ago I shared this article about the Ascended Master couple called Lord Afra and Goddess Africa, who are teaching human beings how to develop emotional intelligence, for a more authentic and truly human future on planet earth. Also I talked in the piece Native American Wisdom for the Collective Awakening Process, about the influence of the Native American Code of Ethics, on our current emotional development as human collective. And today I would like to close this holy circle of divine trinity, with the Master Hermes Trismegistus Thoth, the original transmitter of the Hermetic Laws or The Divine Principles, as they are also called. If you have not heard that name jet, he might be familiar to you as the Roman God Mercurius – or Mercury as people often say.

The hermetic laws are ruling all energetic impacts in our world. When we study them closely, we get a hint of how “the universal system” works. When we apply emotional intelligence in order to translate this mental information into feelings, we arrive at the content of the emotional field the Native American Code of Ethics should feel like in everyday life.

 “The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”

The All is mind; the universe is mental; everything material emerges from a first though.

As above, so below; as below, so above; to accomplish the miracle of unity. Everything is formed from the contemplation of unity, and all things come about from unity, by means of adaptation.

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. From existence down to matter – everything is in vibration; the higher the vibration – the higher the position in the scale. Every level of creation equals on range of vibration.
Note: If you want to heal, help the world – raise your vibration!!!

Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law!

Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes of vibration and manifestation.


That everything sprouts from the same mental essence, translates as “we are all equal”. Now in daily life on planet earth, that does not necessarily mean we have the same chances or the same blessed start in life, but it does mean we all have an equal right to live!!!

This law teaches us about our constant interconnected communication with another. Of our responsibility to take care of our emotional field, so we do not effect our surrounding negatively. And it requests from us to understand, accept and integrate our divine, our human, the inner feminine and masculine energies.

This is as easy as respecting and applying in daily life, authentic human rights, animal rights and even the rights of planet earth and all her manifestations, for a dignified and safe life!! But not only that, it also means to show respect for the manifestations of what we ourselves and everybody else have to bring into live, to come to our divine essence and most authentic expression.

When you look at the chart above, where the divine laws are lined up, you see that the principle of polarity is in the middle of them all – and so it is inside of us human beings. It represents the “everything connecting higher heart” in us – the only place where true lasting world peace can sprout from.

This sounds like it would be a big official thing in everyday life, that the government and other big institutions took responsibility for. But in reality this principle corresponds with our ego, and the translation is about each and everyone of us!! Its about how much respect do we show for the normal everyday survival needs of every being on earth. How balanced we run our business and how careful we communicate, when we are in dispute with others.

Be who you really are, express what ever the divine guidance within you demands you to bring into the world, only say what you really mean and WALK YOUR TALK!!

This allows us to “emotionally get it”, that our physical bodies are masculine and feminine simply to represent the universe authentically, not to separate us from another thru stupid human concepts and ideas. And that the whole world is relationship, everything we do effects ALL of us, and that all manifestations need a seed and space to grow!!! 

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Rhinoceros Sutra

Khaggavisana Sutta
Wander Alone, Like a Rhinoceros

Renouncing violence

for all living beings,

harming not even a one,

you would not wish for offspring,

so how a companion?

Wander alone

like a rhinoceros.

For a sociable person
there are allurements;
on the heels of allurement, this pain.
Seeing allurement's drawback,
wander alone
like a rhinoceros.

One whose mind
is enmeshed in sympathy
for friends and companions,
neglects the true goal.
Seeing this danger in intimacy,
wander alone
like a rhinoceros.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Hathor 's Message

Through Tom Kenyon
The Hathors
Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisons Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.

With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.

We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.

This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations around the world.

This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.

A Message from Jesus

You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance, coincidence, or accident, but because you made the most compassionate and loving choice to be on Earth at this moment to assist in humanity's awakening process, a process that includes and involves every sentient being who has ever experienced life on earth! 

Read or listen  to original message
through John Smallman 
Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment.
Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Message to All Innocent Hearts

The difference between a lightworker and a victim has nothing to do with the situations faced, but how one responds to the circumstances at hand.

A lightworker uses their world of experiences to become the change they wish to see, while a victim is hurt by the actions of a world, while waiting for the change they have yet to become. On a spiritual level, a victim is a lightworker in training.

Throughout each chapter of life, the inevitability of loss and the suchness of change are survived to bring forth a new consciousness for the benefit of all. This means victimhood is not a pitfall one escapes, but ongoing stages of spiritual growth and energetic expansion to call forward the lightworker in you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Atma and the Elementals

The Arcturians 
By Suzanne Lie  

Dear Ascending Ones,

As you continue your process of returning to your Multidimensional SELF, you will be releasing the components of your self that are no longer needed. Simultaneously, you will be placing more and more of your intention onto the SELF you are becoming. As you continue your metamorphosis the small voice of the inner child will call out, “Take me with you.”

We remind you to remember to welcome your Child Self into your High Heart. Your “child” is your Divine Child who became the one you identified as yourself before you began your process ascension. As you collect your Divine Child into your heart, you release your attachment to the third/fourth dimensional Wheel of Life and Death.

Your Divine Child represents your first eight cells that are stored in your ATMA of the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Within these first eight cells is all that you have learned from your many incarnations on physical Earth. These eight cells also hold the pattern of lives in which you returned to SELF, ascended, in your other incarnations.

When you died, you returned to the Wheel of Life and Death in the fourth dimensional aura of planet Earth. On the other hand, when you ascended you returned to your fifth dimensional Lightbody. It is your Lightbody, which carries you across the Great Void between the fourth dimension and fifth dimension and beyond.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

A message from Adama on Posid the Atlantean City under Mato Grosso, Brazil

This is a message I received from Adama where he answers  a question I asked about the Atlantean City of Posid and its relationship with Telos. I will tell you more about this as I go around organizing my papers and notes on the subject as well as to credit the person who channeled the message.

Hello Beloved One, 

In regards to your question about the relationship between Posid and Telos - we have many beautiful connections, I will share with you. We allow our children to travel back and forth to learn and have different experiences. We "cross-pollinate" in a sense, that souls originally from Telos will be given to be born to families in Posid and vice versa. This keeps our family relationships strong, because people recognize each other on the level of the heart as they travel to visit. 

Message from Posid with Galatril

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters! I am Galatril, third-level member of the Council of Posid, beneath Mato Grosso in the country of Brazil. I have been in this position for many of your lifetimes, and have spent much of my ser­vice reaching out to heal the energies of the past, and thus the present.

We who inhabit the resurrected city of Posid, now a wondrous and beautiful community of Light in the fifth dimension, and all of us living in other Atlantean energy cities within the Earth, recognize that there is great distrust for our vibration.

Many of you who experienced the cataclysms of the fall of Atlantis still carry this remembrance of emotional trauma and physical pain.

The energies of that experience, of the masculine over­whelm of mental energies that suppressed the feminine balance of the heart, are still creating emotions of fear and anguish within many of you who would now be interested in initiating any kind of communication with us.