I am a journalist, writer and translator by profession and have, off and on, lived in Foz do Iguaçu since 1977. I have also for years been a tourist guide in Iguassu, Amazonas and Pantanal; have lived with Indians in the Brazil-Peru-Colombia-Triple Border area; Led kayak, nature and birdwatching tours in Amazonia and the Pantanal and done several kayak solo crossings (good meditation), what brought me to a quieter perception of the environment, solitude and silence; this has helped me to, little by little, develope ideas of eco-spirituality, ecophilosophy and a personal ecosophy. All this has allowed me to open myself up to the understanding of subtler energy forms.
The search for subtle energies has led me into healing and therapies. I have a small practice in Ayurvedic Massage and Watsu™ besides being a Reiki Master / Teacher in the Usui System of Natural Healing. I am also on the shamanic path of the Ama Deus Shamanic Healing (Uirapuru) Tradition of the Guarani People.
This site has been created with the intention to support those who are willing to see in the Iguassu Falls and other brother-sister sacred places – more than just tourist attractions. It was organized also in the hope that it will help save the Iguassu Falls (Yes, they are endangered) and promote its ecological health and spiritual peace. This site is offered as a prayer for the healing of the Planet and all of her people which includes You.
In case you want to talk to me or ask a question, this is my e-mail: limajac@gmail.com