Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Message to All Innocent Hearts

The difference between a lightworker and a victim has nothing to do with the situations faced, but how one responds to the circumstances at hand.

A lightworker uses their world of experiences to become the change they wish to see, while a victim is hurt by the actions of a world, while waiting for the change they have yet to become. On a spiritual level, a victim is a lightworker in training.

Throughout each chapter of life, the inevitability of loss and the suchness of change are survived to bring forth a new consciousness for the benefit of all. This means victimhood is not a pitfall one escapes, but ongoing stages of spiritual growth and energetic expansion to call forward the lightworker in you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Atma and the Elementals

The Arcturians 
By Suzanne Lie  

Dear Ascending Ones,

As you continue your process of returning to your Multidimensional SELF, you will be releasing the components of your self that are no longer needed. Simultaneously, you will be placing more and more of your intention onto the SELF you are becoming. As you continue your metamorphosis the small voice of the inner child will call out, “Take me with you.”

We remind you to remember to welcome your Child Self into your High Heart. Your “child” is your Divine Child who became the one you identified as yourself before you began your process ascension. As you collect your Divine Child into your heart, you release your attachment to the third/fourth dimensional Wheel of Life and Death.

Your Divine Child represents your first eight cells that are stored in your ATMA of the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Within these first eight cells is all that you have learned from your many incarnations on physical Earth. These eight cells also hold the pattern of lives in which you returned to SELF, ascended, in your other incarnations.

When you died, you returned to the Wheel of Life and Death in the fourth dimensional aura of planet Earth. On the other hand, when you ascended you returned to your fifth dimensional Lightbody. It is your Lightbody, which carries you across the Great Void between the fourth dimension and fifth dimension and beyond.